What is grassroots culture and art in Asian contexts, and how has it been practiced in Hong Kong? Alberto Gerosa, who has lived in Sham Shui Po for a decade, has created various texts and images based on his observations and experiences. He will shares his life and works.
Speaker: Dr. Alberto Gerosa
Date: 4 May 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 2 pm – 3 pm
Venue: Zoom
Language: English
Host: Joseph LI Cho Kiu
Registration: https://forms.gle/gLbzP47uoitg8HVz5
Alberto Gerosa is an anthropologist who works in film and performance. Originally from the area around Lake Como, Italy, he moved to Sham Shui Po in 2013 and managed the film screening space and art and cultural venue, #THYLAB Special Hall, as well as the ongoing art performance “Thy Lane Museum” (2013-2023). He is known for his work on “The Uninvited Trilogy” (shown at Art Basel 2022, the 59th Venice Biennale, and the 15th Documentary Exhibition). He studied in Ljubljana, Stockholm, and Hong Kong. He was a visiting scholar at the LAB in Image Anthropology at the University of Tokyo.
This talk belongs to Asian Studies Seminar Series x Re-imagining Asia Series – Trans Lives, Trans Asia
HSUHK students who attended the talk will be awarded 1 iGPS/ECA hours
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Asian Studies
Department of Social Science, HSUHK
公開講座 亞洲的草根藝術:在香港十年的實踐
在深水埗居住了十年的Alberto Gerosa博士,根據他的觀察和經驗,創作了多種文字和影像。他會分享他的生活和作品
演講:Alberto Gerosa博士
Alberto Gerosa是一位從事電影和表演的人類學家。他來自意大利科莫湖周圍地區,於2013年移居深水埗,管理電影放映空間和藝術文化場所THY LAB Special Hall,以及持續進行的藝術表演“Thy Lane Museum”(2013-2023)。他以“不速之客三部曲”(在2022年巴塞爾藝術展、第59屆威尼斯雙年展和第15屆紀錄片展上展出)而聞名。他於斯洛文尼亞、斯德哥爾摩和香港完成碩士和博士課程。他也曾是東京大學形象人類學實驗室的訪問學者。
此講座屬於Asian Studies Seminar系列x重新想像亞洲系列–Trans Lives, Trans Asia
恒大同學可獲得1個iGPS / ECA小時