Today, we visited the Miyazaki Prefectural Museum of Nature and History, dressed in vibrant yukatas and mastering the art of […]...
Join us for an inspiring evening with Ms New Dellily on June 2, 2023!Embracing Diversity, Empowering Voices – Lily’s Vision […]...
What is grassroots culture and art in Asian contexts, and how has it been practiced in Hong Kong Alberto Gerosa, […]...
HSUHK Strategic Development Grant Project AY2022/2023 – From Retro to the Metaverse Games: Imagining Asia and Creative Industries from the […]...
The 3rd AS Seminar and personal tutor-tutee meeting:Date: 16 February 2023 (Thursday)Time: 12nn-1pmVenue: D302Topic: 由南丫島到島嶼研究Introduction: 亞洲由很多島嶼組成,近年也有愈來愈文化活動和學術研究圍繞「島」的概念而開展。梁寶山博士近年開...
AS Seminar: 娛樂至死?— 流行文化新聞的生產如何認真地生產流行文化新聞,而不是娛樂和八卦為上?今年成立的〈Wave 流行文化誌〉,志在擺脫傳統媒體看待娛樂新聞的框架,以人物專訪、數據分析、專題特寫等為切入點,呈現...
Info day當日我哋亞洲研究呢科喺演藝廳都有booth㗎!大家可以先去聽 #萬葉集到周星馳電影對白:#日語的莊嚴與通俗 嘅講座(2:30pm – 3pm),再嚟 演藝廳 搵我哋我哋會有課程介紹、課程資訊講解,例如亞洲研究嘅三大學習目...
#亞洲研究 同 #亞洲語言文化中心 於11月4號合辦 京友禪印染工作坊 參加者認識到歷史悠久嘅京都和服染色技術 仲製作咗自己嘅作品 大家都好有天份呀 #asianstudies #CALC #京… See more— at 香港恒生大學...